The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7

Looking for The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 release date? is home to all upcoming Manga Releases. Find out the latest new Manga Releases coming in 2022 and beyond. Don’t miss the release of The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 release date below!

The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7

When Does The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 Come Out?

The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 Release Date: May 23, 2023

The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 Synopsis


Dantalion and Luther, who continue to hunger after battle, are attacking the headquarters of the Sword Cross Knights, which engages them for the sake of Britain and their friends. Marbas and Wisteria also head to the battlefield, ready to fight for the sake of their pride, loved ones, and dear friends. The final stage of the battle to rid London of demons has begun!

The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 Release Date


May 23, 2023

Could The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 be your next favorite Manga release? Save the date! The Tale of the Outcasts Vol. 7 release date is May 23, 2023.

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