Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 (Light Novel)

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Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 (Light Novel)

When Does Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 Come Out?

Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 Release Date: April 7, 2022

Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 Synopsis

After looting an invitation from a boss, Ray and his team attend a special anniversary event — an all-out battle royale between Masters on a remote island!

After embarking on a quest in the Sauda Mountain Pass, Ray chances upon a surprising reward — a ticket to a control AI-led special event called “The Anniversary.”
Joining up with Juliet and, more surprisingly, his college friend from Tenchi, Ray and his team agree to attend it and cooperate, only for their plans to crumble when they find out what kind of event it actually is — an all-out battle royale on an uninhabited island!
Nevertheless, they strive to do their best to come out on top in this battle of champions — this cradle of elite Masters from all over the world.

Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 Release Date


April 7, 2022

Could Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 be your next favorite Manga release? Save the date! Infinite Dendrogram: Volume 17 release date is April 7, 2022.

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